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On behalf of the Marquette County Fair Association, I welcome you to the 31st annual Marquette County Fair. We’ve had some wonderful new people step into service positions here in the past year. We have three new board members: Samantha Durley, Stephanie Hurley, and Dan Roberts. We welcome them and thank them for their contributions to this year’s Fair. We also have a new Vendor Coordinator, Kelsey Melka. You will see her smiling face in and around the Exhibition building. James VanOrman has taken on our webmaster duties and he is also our grounds keeper. We would also like to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Eileen Trethewey for her 20+ years on our board. While she is retiring from the board, Eileen is still an avid volunteer.
This year we have lots of new and exciting things to talk about! On Saturday morning we will have our first (annual?) 5K Fun Run. Registration forms are available online; your fee will entitle you to a commemorative t-shirt, admission to the fair, and a chance for a door prize. On Saturday evening, we will close out the fair with a good old fashion Hoedown. Bring your boots and western wear for live music and dancing. Don’t know how to dance? We’ve got you covered with free line dancing lessons at the event! Be sure to join the fun!
We are very excited to bring three bigger ground acts to the fair this year. The BMX Stunt bikes from last year are fantastic, but got rained out on Saturday last year so they are eager to return. We have a team of magicians that will wow you with many tricks and illusions. Our largest act is a circus family performing highwire acts, motorcycles in the Globe of Death, dog acts and juggling. These acts will be staggered throughout the day, with performances on the hour for nine fun packed hours of free entertainment. We are pleased to have Family Fun Tyme back as our carnival with new rides and old favorites.
The Building & Grounds committee has been busy again this year: we built a new interior storage area in the northwest corner of the Exhibition Building, put up new lighting in Treasures of the Past, and installed new lights at the horse arena. Several panels in the outside horse stalls were replaced and painted. There was also general painting of many doors and trim. It was another fun filled and busy summer at the Fairgrounds, and we couldn’t do it without a dedicated board and volunteers. If you were here working, Thank You. If you would like to be a part of this fun group, talk to any board member and we will help you find a project or two.
Each year we go to the Michigan Fair Convention in Grand Rapids. It gives us an opportunity to network with people from Fairs throughout our great State. We always leave thinking we have a wonderful Fair for our size. I think it’s because of the people that participate in our Fair. Whether you are a 4-H kid caring for an animal in a barn, a youngster with entries in the Youth building, if you compete in the horse shows, display your crafts, sewing, photography or vegetables, YOU are all part of the show, and it wouldn’t happen without you. We also have a close-knit and cooperative group of vendors, selling food, t-shirts, insurance… Again, it wouldn’t be the same without that favorite treat to purchase. Most of all we love to talk to the patrons, so thank you for coming year after year.
See you at the Fair,
Walt Maki (President)
P.O. Box 66 ♦ Marquette, MI 49855 ♦ 906.249.4111 ♦ mqtfair@gmail.com marquettecountyfair.org