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  • Yooper Super Search | MARQUETTE DAILY

    Yooper Strong Super Search search yooper Simple Search for Super Yoopers Explore the Upper Peninsula 's Top 2000+ Promotions Yooper's can use this SUPER Search to discover great deals, items, specials, codes, and other online only offers from the web at large OR from within our beautiful Yooper Land. Add/Request A Promo Share zoncatalog *As a Amazon Associate this page may generate commissions from qualified purchases Link to Our Site Using This Image #GODSCOUNTRY Back to Catalog

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  • Public Forums | MARQUETTE DAILY

    Forum di discussione di SearchMarquette.NET Per vedere come funziona, vai al tuo sito pubblicato. Categorie Tutti i post I miei post Crea un nuovo post Residents Share stories, ideas, pictures and more! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Segui Commerce Shopping center with selling tools. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Segui Interests Add/Search/Browse subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Segui Suggest and vote in comments More Deals, Info, Specials, Coupon Codes and Offers? Suggest and vote! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Segui Nuovi post Search Marquette Hyper-Local Trattino · 31 mar 2022 Top ("5G") Pre-Valentine's Day Deals To Share from Verizon Interests Marquette County Verizon Coverage Map I have been a customer of Verizon services in Marquette, MI for over a decade now. Since before they had local sales and support storefronts. Verizon has always been the best phone company for my lifestyle in and around the beautiful Upper Peninsula and beyond. Never had any trouble traveling and staying connected through Verizon. Although, I often enjoyed camping in the woods where there is no signal at times, absorbing the nature around me knowing my location didn't matter other than I was where I wanted to be in that moment. The Verizon coverage in Marquette County has not disappointed me. The progress to 5G in upper Michigan has been both a blessing to many and a controversy to some. Alas, sometimes, all that hard work pays off in the long run, #Entrepreneurship wins and big brands like Verizon end up offering great online deals and this is one of those times! As a web publisher I am happy to use my affiliate relationships to offer the most recent deals like those presented below. Likewise, *as an affiliate I earn commissions from qualified sales at no extra cost to you. Continue below to read this List of the Top 5 Verizon's "Pre-Valentine's" Day Deals 2022! Valentine's Eve Day? Valentine's Day Eve? Whatever you call it... here is the editor's choice FEATURED VERIZON V-DAY SPECIALS View on site for official promotion details. Not a Verizon Customer? Get select smartphones on Verizon. New line required. Editor's Choice Verizon's Top 5 Urgent Deals Before Jan 31. 2022: 1. Buy one Gizmowatch2, get another on Verizon. 2. Get a Google Pixel 6 on Verizon. 3. Get iPhone 12 mini on us. Online Only. No trade in req'd. 4. iPad as low as $10/month when purchased with any iphone 5. Up to 50% off 5G Home Internet. Plans from $25/mo. when combined w/select 5G Mobile plans Northern Students are always eligible for Verizon Student discounts, save up to $25/mo. on Unlimited. Don't forget to mention that you have served to receive Military & Veterans Discount Program. Affiliate Partner Logo- Verizon Check out Select Samsung Galaxy and IPhone Cases from our Merch Store Marquette County Topographic Phone Case SearchMarquette County Topographic Relief Map Design for Samsung Case #verizon #students #deals #promos #discount #phone #tech #valentine Mi piace 1 commento 1 Search Marquette Hyper-Local Trattino · 11 gen 2022 Best Choice Products - A Brand Not Found in Marquette Interests Best Choice Products offers a catalog that’s developed in-house with home furniture, toys, outdoor and seasonal products, all at value prices. FREE SHIPPING is always on us. Hammocks - 2-Person Brazilian-Style Cotton Double Hammock with Stand Set w/ Carrying Bag 12in King Size 3-Layer Medium-Plush Bamboo Charcoal Gel & Green Tea Infused Memory Foam Mattress #SeasonalDecor #PatioGarden #Home #Toys #Games #Music #Instruments #Fitness #PetSupplies Mi piace 0 commenti 0 Search Marquette Hyper-Local Trattino · 11 gen 2022 Kenneth Cole - Find your urban uniform. FREE SHIPPING options available. Interests Start your shopping journey here. Find exclusive codes, vanity codes and product exclusives from Kenneth Cole. 50-70% Off Men's Sale Items 50-70% Off Women's Sale Items Kenneth Cole: Receive 15% Off When You Subscribe Today This Advertiser allows me (the Publisher) to offer you (the visitors) compensation(s) like cashback, membership points, miles, and access to local content or software for purchases or offer completions. The more you shop Kenneth Cole using this Forum Posts Links, the more likely SearchMarquette will offer these incentives! Mi piace 0 commenti 0 Forum - Frameless

  • Privacy Policy | MARQUETTE DAILY

    Informativa sulla privacy di SearchMarquette.NET ​Qualsiasi informazione contenuta nel presente documento non è una consulenza legale e non dovresti fare affidamento su di essa in quanto tale. Le normative sulla privacy dei dati sono leggi complesse basate su principi, che richiedono più azioni da parte dei proprietari dei siti. Ti consigliamo di richiedere una consulenza legale per comprendere e prepararti per eventuali requisiti aggiuntivi indicati in tali normative. In SearchMarquette.NET consideriamo la privacy dei nostri visitatori estremamente importante. Questo documento di politica sulla privacy descrive in dettaglio i tipi di informazioni personali raccolte e registrate da SearchMarquette.NET e come le utilizziamo. ​​ Log files Come molti altri siti Web, SearchMarquette.NET fa uso di file di registro. Questi file registrano semplicemente i visitatori del sito, di solito una procedura standard per le società di hosting e una parte dell'analisi dei servizi di hosting. Le informazioni all'interno dei file di registro includono indirizzi IP (Internet Protocol), tipo di browser, provider di servizi Internet (ISP), data/ora, pagine di riferimento/uscita ed eventualmente il numero di clic. Queste informazioni vengono utilizzate per analizzare le tendenze, amministrare il sito, tenere traccia dei movimenti dell'utente all'interno del sito e raccogliere informazioni demografiche. Gli indirizzi IP e altre informazioni simili non sono collegate ad alcuna informazione che consenta l'identificazione personale. ​ Cookie e Web Beacon SearchMarquette.NET utilizza solo i cookie necessari. 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  • Searchbar | MARQUETTE DAILY

    Search Marquette County-Wide JOIN TO ADD ChatMQT Welcome to Your Ultimate Destination for All Things Marquette County! Are you ready to embark on a journey through the enchanting wonders of Marquette County, Michigan? Look no further than, your premier information hub designed to immerse you in the beauty, culture, and community spirit of this hidden gem nestled in the heart of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. ​ At, we're more than just a website—we're a vibrant digital community dedicated to showcasing the best of Marquette County while empowering locals and visitors alike to explore, connect, and support our beloved region. ​ Explore Marquette County's Hidden Treasures Dive into a world of adventure with our comprehensive guide to outdoor activities. From hiking and biking trails to pristine lakes and lush forests, Marquette County is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages. Discover the thrill of kayaking on Lake Superior, explore the scenic wonders of Presque Isle Park, or hit the slopes at Marquette Mountain. With endless opportunities for exploration, the only limit is your sense of adventure! Indulge in Culinary Delights Savor the flavors of Marquette County with our curated selection of local dining experiences. From farm-to-table restaurants serving up fresh, seasonal fare to cozy diners dishing out hearty comfort food, there's something to satisfy every palate. Don't miss out on our regional specialties, including mouthwatering pasties and delectable smoked fish—each bite is a true taste of the region's rich culinary heritage. Connect with the Marquette County Community Join our thriving online community and connect with locals and visitors alike. Share your experiences, discover hidden gems, and stay up-to-date on the latest events and happenings in Marquette County. With forums and groups dedicated to local discussions, you'll have the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals and forge meaningful connections right from the comfort of your own home. Shop Local, Support Local Browse our eStore and shop local with confidence. Our collaborative marketplace brings together local sellers and buyers, offering a diverse array of products and services from artisans, makers, and small businesses across Marquette County. Whether you're searching for unique handmade crafts, locally-sourced goods, or one-of-a-kind gifts, you'll find it all right here at Discover More with SearchMarquette But that's not all—we're constantly expanding our offerings to provide you with even more ways to experience the best of Marquette County. Explore our digital library for a wealth of resources and information, or dive into our community blog for captivating stories and insights from locals and visitors alike. Plus, take advantage of our web referrals and affiliate recommendations to earn commissions from online shopping and support local businesses with every purchase. Join Us Today! Ready to start your journey through Marquette County? Join the SearchMarquette community today and unlock a world of adventure, discovery, and connection. Whether you're a longtime resident or a first-time visitor, there's something for everyone to love at Come explore with us and experience the beauty and charm of Marquette County like never before! Start Exploring Now: Join SearchMarquette Community With serving as an information hub, it offers a comprehensive suite of features to cater to the needs of both locals and visitors. Here's a breakdown of its key functionalities: User-Generated Content Platform: Users can contribute and discover topical content relevant to Marquette County, fostering a sense of community engagement and shared knowledge. Multi-Source Media Cross-Posting: The platform enables cross-posting from and to various social media platforms, allowing for seamless sharing and amplification of content across different channels. Shared Gallery: A collaborative space where users can showcase and explore visual content, capturing the beauty and diversity of Marquette County through photos and videos. eStore for Local Sellers and Buyers: Facilitates a collaborative marketplace where local sellers and buyers can connect and transact, promoting local businesses and encouraging community support. Digital Library and Community Blog: Provides access to a wealth of information and resources through a digital library, while the community blog offers a platform for sharing stories, insights, and perspectives relevant to the local area. Groups and Forums: Offers groups and forums for local discussion, enabling residents to connect with each other, share ideas, and discuss topics of interest closer to home. Web Referrals and Affiliate Recommendations: Enables users to earn commissions from online shopping through web referrals and affiliate recommendations, incentivizing support for local businesses while providing additional revenue streams. Membership Portal for Local Makers and Creators: Offers a dedicated space for local makers and creators to showcase their creations to a local audience, fostering collaboration and promoting locally-made products and services. B2B Services: Provides B2B services such as 'split-cost' coop radio promotions and ongoing digital marketing initiatives, supporting local businesses in reaching their target audience and maximizing their marketing efforts. Overall, serves as a dynamic platform that facilitates community engagement, promotes local businesses and talent, and provides valuable resources and services to enhance the Marquette County experience. Here's a proposed outline for the bylaws: Name and Purpose: The organization shall be known as the Marquette Membership Club. The purpose of the club is to provide members with access to pooled investment opportunities, including but not limited to affiliate commissions, membership fees, service charges, digital proceeds, lottery club participation, and donations. Membership: Eligibility: Membership shall be open to individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in contributing to and benefiting from the club's pooled investments. Application Process: Prospective members must submit an application and meet any eligibility criteria set forth by the club's governing body. Membership Fees: Members shall pay monthly or annual membership fees as determined by the club's governing body. Income Sources: The club shall generate income from various sources, including affiliate commissions, membership fees, service charges, digital proceeds, lottery club participation, and donations. All income generated by the club shall be pooled together for investment purposes, subject to the investment guidelines outlined in these bylaws. Lottery Club Integration: A portion of the lottery club winnings shall be allocated to the pool for investment purposes. Participation in the lottery club shall be optional for members. Donations and Gifts: The club may accept donations and gifts from members, non-members, or alumni. Donations and gifts shall be used to enhance the club's investment portfolio or support operational expenses, as determined by the club's governing body. Investment Guidelines: The club shall adhere to prudent investment practices, including diversification, risk management, and due diligence. Investment decisions shall be made by the club's governing body in accordance with the club's investment objectives and risk tolerance. Transparency and Governance: The club shall maintain transparent accounting records and provide regular financial reports to members. The club's governing body shall be responsible for overseeing the club's operations, including investment decisions, fee structures, and membership policies. Community Engagement: The club shall organize events, networking opportunities, and community engagement initiatives to foster a sense of belonging among members. Members are encouraged to participate actively in club activities and contribute to the club's success. Amendments to Bylaws: These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the club's governing body, provided that notice of the proposed amendments is given to all members in advance. Dissolution: In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing nonprofit organizations. Here's a proposed outline for the club's charter: Mission: The Marquette Membership Club exists to empower individuals, businesses, and organizations through collective investment, community engagement, and financial education. Vision: To become a premier platform for pooled investment opportunities, fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable growth for our members. Values: Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our dealings. Inclusivity: We welcome diversity and strive to create an inclusive community for all members. Transparency: We are committed to transparency in our operations and decision-making processes. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and collective action to achieve shared goals. Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continuous learning and improvement in all aspects of our operations. Objectives: Provide members with access to diversified investment opportunities across various asset classes and income sources. Foster a sense of community and belonging among members through networking events, educational workshops, and social activities. Promote financial literacy and empower members to make informed investment decisions. Generate sustainable returns for members while managing risks effectively. Cultivate partnerships and alliances to enhance the club's reach and impact. Organizational Structure: Board of Directors: Responsible for setting strategic direction, overseeing operations, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Committees: Various committees may be established to oversee specific functions such as investment, membership, marketing, and governance. Membership: Open to individuals, businesses, and organizations meeting the eligibility criteria outlined in the bylaws. Governance: The club shall operate democratically, with members having the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes through voting and engagement. Operational Guidelines: Investment Strategy: The club shall follow a disciplined investment strategy based on diversification, risk management, and long-term growth objectives. Membership Engagement: Regular communication, feedback mechanisms, and member engagement initiatives shall be implemented to foster a vibrant community. Compliance and Risk Management: The club shall adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and best practices related to investment management, governance, and reporting. Performance Evaluation: Regular performance reviews and evaluations shall be conducted to assess the club's financial performance, operational effectiveness, and member satisfaction. Charter Adoption and Review: The charter shall be adopted by the club's founding members and may be amended as needed by the Board of Directors with input from the membership. This charter outlines the foundational principles, objectives, and operational framework for the Marquette Membership Club, guiding its activities and shaping its evolution as a dynamic and inclusive community of investors.

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